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Watch: Boeing 777 creates heart-shaped vortexes out of clouds

At Road Warrior Voices we're suckers for amazing airplane videos. Our recent favorite is a clip of this Emirates Boeing 777 sky-writing hearts out of clouds above the U.K.'s Birmingham International Airport.
Emirates Boeing 777 - making and busting clouds

At Road Warrior Voices we're suckers for amazing airplane videos. Our recent favorite is a clip of this Emirates Boeing 777 sky-writing hearts out of clouds above the U.K.'s Birmingham International Airport.


According to the video's caption on Youtube, the 777 is so strong that it "virtually creates its own weather systems as its wings generate huge pressure differences around themselves". Twice in the video, fluffy clouds are twisted by the plane's wing tips into heart-shaped vortexes.

Watch the heartwarming (sorry) video below: (Click here if you're a mobile app user)

Courtesy our partners at USA TODAY

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