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What color is your name? Artist creates tool that shows you how she sees letters as colors

Bernadette Sheridan created the Synesthesia.me tool that assigns specific colors to each letter of your name.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto
Two brushes on a color palette guide

Your favorite color may be blue, green or purple, but does your name reflect that?

An artist and designer created an online tool that shows you the color of your name -- based on a rare sensory trait. 

It's called synesthesia, and only about 4 percent of the population have this trait. According to the American Psychological Association, the "phenomenon" comes from the Greek word for "to perceive together." While some with the trait hear, smell, taste or feel pain in color, others can taste shapes or understand written words and numbers as colors.

Bernadette Sheridan is one of those people. She said when she hears a name, she counts the numbers of letters in her head and visualizes the color of each letter.

"As I was building the site, I was repeatedly struck by how "right" the names looked once I had them displayed in front of me," she said in a December 2019 Medium article. "Over and over, names just seemed to jump out at me as being so perfectly right."

The tool, Synesthesia.me lets you plug in any name and quickly gives you how it's spelled in colors.

The name "Emily" is spelled in colors golden yellow, navy blue, white, light gray and light yellow. "Chelsea" is apple green, orange, golden yellow, yellow, light gray, navy blue, yellow and red.

Find out what color your name is here.

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