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Va. boy offers to mow the White House lawn and Trump accepts

A young boy from Northern Virginia boy has his own business and—this week—he landed the world's most famous client: Donald Trump.

A young boy from Northern Virginia boy has his own business and—this week—he landed the world's most famous client: Donald Trump.

It all started with this letter he wrote to the commander in chief:

Dear Mr. President,

It would be my honor to mow the White House lawn for some weekend for you. Even though I’m only 10, I’d like to show the nation what young people like me are ready for. I admire your business background and have started my own business. I have been mowing my neighbors’ lawns for some time—please see the attached flier. Here’s a list of what I have, and you’re free to pick whatever you want: power mower, push mower, and weed whacker. I can bring extra fuel for the power mower and charged batteries for the weed whacker.


Frank is from Falls Church. After receiving the letter—and having Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders read it during a daily press briefing—President Trump invited him to spend some time with White House grounds keeper.

Frank's dad, Greg Giaccio said Frank has always enjoyed the office of the president.

“He wrote to President Obama when he was 6 years old and when he was mowing the lawn he of course knew that President Trump was an entrepreneur and he got the idea that ‘Hey, I should let him know that I’m interested in this,’” Giaccio said.

The dad added that Frank also has always enjoyed mowing the lawn.

“He watched me mowing the lawn. He was always excited about mowing the lawn, too. We got a push mower that’s manual, no power, and I let him use that a few times because I feel that’s a little safer. And he never quit.”

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Frank has since moved on to the power mower, to his father’s delight.

“And he did a great job, very good attention to detail,” Giaccio said with a smile.

He said Frank started his lawn-mowing business by handing out fliers and he has two regular customers now. We’ll see if that number will grow after the family visits the White House.

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