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Tampa man arrested for targeting aircraft with laser

While conducting routine flight operations at approximately 3:40 a.m. this morning the police helicopter was targeted by a blue laser being directed from a location on the ground.
40-year-old Mark A. White

TAMPA, FLA. -- While conducting routine flight operations at approximately 3:40 a.m. this morning the police helicopter was targeted by a blue laser being directed from a location on the ground.

The air crew was able to direct patrol units to the location where the laser shot originated and officers came into contact with a subject in the backyard of a residence on the 10700 block of N. Central Av. who was in possession of a blue laser.

The subject, 40-year-old Mark A. White was arrested for the felony criminal offense of Targeting an Aircraft with a Laser.

The FBI has been notified and is on scene now conducting a concurrent investigation for consideration of additional federal criminal charges.

White will be transported to jail shortly.

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