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Everything you need to know about Florida snakes

What's that rhyme? “Red touch yellow, kill a fellow?”
Credit: Thinkstock
File photo of a rattlesnake

TAMPA, Fla. — They're sneaky. They're slithery. And they may just be hiding in your backyard.

Snakes may not be everyone's favorite, but they are part of living in Florida.

The Sunshine State has more than 44 native species of snakes found in every type of habitat imaginable. From mangroves to freshwater wetlands to residential areas, they can be seen just about anywhere.

Snakes actually play an important role in our ecosystem. Many of them eat rodents, whichinsta may spread disease or destroy crops. A lot of non-venomous snakes also eat venomous ones, which is good news for us and for the balance of our ecosystem.

Here's some more good news – only six of Florida's 44 snake species are venomous. That means while they may be creepy, most snakes you come across are harmless. 

Venomous snakes

Experts say snake mating season runs throughout the Spring, with some breeds hitting their peak in April.

You may have heard the rhyme “Red touch yellow, kill a fellow. Red touch, black, friend of Jack." FloridaHikes.com says this can be helpful in distinguishing between coral snakes (venomous) and scarlet kingsnakes (non-venomous), but it's not foolproof.

So here's which snakes to look out for.

Dusky Pigmy Rattlesnake

The Dusky Pigmy Rattlesnake, or Sistrurus miliarius barbouri, is a venomous snake typically found in damp lowland areas. Its rattle is sometimes compared to the sound of a buzzing insect. (Photo Credit: Blueag9/GNU Free Documentation License)
  • Small, but fierce
  • Typically found in damp, lowland areas
  • Small rattle often compared to the sound of a buzzing insect
  • Gray, with rounded, dusky spots


The Agkistrodon piscivorus, more commonly known as either the Cottonmouth or Moccasin, is a venomous snake known for the white interior of its mouth. (Photo Credit: Ltshears/Creative Commons 3.0)
  • Also known as water moccasins
  • Known for the white color inside their mouths and the white next to their eyes
  • Highly aggressive, great swimmers
  • Found in swampy areas near water
  • Sharply angled head with a "pit" between the eyes and nostrils

Diamondback Rattlesnake

The Eastern Diamondback, or Crotalus adamanteus, is a venomous snake found across Florida, including down in the Florida Keys. The Florida Museum of Natural History says a 6-foot Diamondback can strike someone four feet away. (Photo: Tim Vickers)
  • Largest of the venomous snakes, typically between five and six feet
  • Coil up before striking
  • Distinctive rattle
  • Yellow-bordered, diamond-shaped pattern
  • Often found near sandy areas like swamps and pine woods

Coral snake

The Coral Snake, or Micrurus fulvius, is a venomous snake often confused with Scarlet Snakes but differentiated by its black snout, as opposed to the red snouts on Scarlet Snakes. (Photo Credit: John/Creative Commons)
  • Red and yellow touching bands(remember the rhyme)
  • Thin, like a pencil
  • Inject potent venom by "chewing"
  • Typically found in upland areas, like brush and pine woods


The Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix, more commonly known as the Southern Copperhead or Highland Moccasin, is venomous and typically found in the Florida panhandle. (Photo Credit: Haplochromis/GNU Free Documentation License)
  • Reddish tint, district striped pattern
  • Typically two to three feet long
  • Flattened, pointed head
  • More commonly found in the Northwest portion of the state

Timber Rattlesnake

The Timber Rattlesnake, or Crotalus horridus, is venomous and well-camouflaged. Timber Rattlesnakes are often found in damp, low-lying areas and should be given space at all times.
  • Also known as canebrake rattlesnake
  • Reddish, brown stripe runs down its back, with black chevrons pointing toward tail
  • Typically three to five feet
  • Not very common in Florida, but found in northeast areas of the state

What to do if you see a snake

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission says to stay calm. We know – easier said than done. But snakes don't intentionally put themselves in a position to scare you and would much rather avoid encounters.

Snakes typically won't bite unless they are provoked, so give them a chance to slither away.

Removing brush, lumber or other debris will help you avoid snakes and rodents. Rodents also feed on things like spilled birdseed and pet food scraps, so if you don't want snakes, get rid of that too.

You can learn more or report a sighting to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. It also has this tool to help you identify any type of snake in Florida.

If you're bitten by a snake, you can call or send a picture to the Florida Poison Control Center.

RELATED: Florida family finds dead snake in their dryer

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