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Rick Scott signs the 'All American Flag Act'

The Viera High auditorium was packed this morning as Gov. Rick Scott addressed the crowd before ceremonially signing the All American Flag Act.
Gov. Rick Scott ceremonially signs the All American Flag Act at Viera High School on Monday, Sept. 21, 2015.

The Viera High auditorium was packed this morning as Gov. Rick Scott addressed the crowd before ceremonially signing the All American Flag Act.

Gov. Scott was at the school around 9 a.m. today to sign the act where it originated. Viera High students and teachers proposed the act, which calls for all American flags flown over government buildings to be made in America beginning January 2016.

The entire JROTC was present along with the students who fought for the bill.

Veterans, school board members, teachers and local officials were all part of the excitement brewing at the local school.


"This student/teacher/JROTC driven initiative is a perfect example of American democracy at work and many veterans who have served under and fought under that flag supported the bill last winter as it moved through the state legislature," said Donn Weaver, chairman of the Brevard Veteran's Council, in an email.

Courtesy our partners at Florida Today

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