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Magic Tank claims you'll never run out of gas again

Low gas prices are expected to put a record number of families on the road over the holidays. And if you run into a snowstorm or heavy traffic, there's a risk of running out of gas.
Magic Tank

(KING5) - Low gas prices are expected to put a record number of families on the road over the holidays. And if you run into a snowstorm or heavy traffic, there's a risk of running out of gas.

We decided to test out a new product that claims you'll never need to worry about running out of gas again.


The Shameful Gas Can Walk

Chances are someone in your family has done what's called the highway "walk of shame," hauling a gas can down the road.

It even happened to auto mechanic Chris Mangold. "I thought I had enough to get to the next exit, but nope," he said.

Running out of fuel can be dangerous, even deadly, as people stuck in November's Buffalo blizzard can attest.

So enter a new product called "Magic Tank," a sort of magic gasoline you can safely carry in your trunk.


Explosive Content Removed

Entrepreneur Steve Bistritzky, along with a chemical engineer, developed Magic Tank.

"God forbid you get stuck," he said. "You take it out, pour it in, and it takes you to the next gas station."

He removed the explosive content, so the product cannot ignite from a crash or from summer heat.

"We've taken out the highly flammable components," he said.

But does it work? We asked Mangold to drain a car of all its gas, then add a jug of Magic Tank.

It started right up after the mechanic cranked the engine for 30 seconds.

"Sounds perfect," he said.

Lawn Equipment Test

But we decided to do another test, at the home of Dennis Janson.

Our friend D.J. ran his lawn mower dry, till it stalled, then poured in a cup of Magic Tank.

Three pulls later, the mower was running.

"I'd give it two thumbs up," Janson said, looking frighteningly like a TV pitchman.

One downside: Magic Tank is a bit pricey, at $29 for a half-gallon jug on Amazon or Magic Tank's website.

But it lasts 10 years in the trunk of your car. And it might be worth it if it saves you from a tow or that embarrassing highway hike.


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