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Keeping the pirates at bay: Tips to help keep your packages safe from theft

Many will choose to have special items delivered this holiday season. Unfortunately, purchasing and having the item delivered has become an issue.

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Many will be doing some online shopping this holiday season which means you should be on the lookout for pirates, porch pirates that is. According to a Security.org study, approximately 79% of consumers experienced package theft in 2022.

However, there are a few tips to help you out this holiday season.

  • Check with neighbors should be your first start. sometimes, your package may not actually be stolen, just simply at the wrong address.
  • Also don’t leave unattended packages. Its best to schedule your deliveries when you’ll know you’ll be at home, so packages aren’t left for an extended period of time.
  • If scheduling is an issue, ship to store is the next best option. most stores will often hold your items for you until you’re able to pick them up. also, deliverers like amazon, fedex and the us postal service have options to pick up at their locations.
  • Use a security camera. a home security system with cameras or a camera-enabled doorbell is a great way to deter package theft, especially when highly visible. 
  • Require a signature. many delivery companies include the option to require a signature before leaving a package, letting you take physical possession of the item as soon as it is delivered.
  • If you find yourself a victim of package theft, file a report with your local police department and the delivery company. 

If unfortunately become a victim, file a report with your local police department and the delivery company. 

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