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14-year-old Tampa boy shot, bullet remains in a bone near his spinal cord

Just before 11 p.m. Tuesday, a 14-year-old boy was shot on the doorstep of his father's home. Tampa police are searching for the shooter.

TAMPA, Fla. — Tampa Police are searching for a gunman accused of shooting a 14-year-old boy Tuesday night near Robles Park.

James Bryant is at St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital recovering from a gunshot wound.

So far, his father tells us, James has undergone two surgeries. The bullet remains in a bone near James' spinal cord. His father worries this could impact his ability to walk. 

Doctors took James off anesthesia Wednesday night to allow him to wake up. The breathing tube was also removed. Once James is awake and alert, doctors will ask where he feels pain to assess if another surgery is necessary. 

Thursday morning, the family told 10 Tampa Bay that James is awake and alert. He is able to talk to his family as well as detectives. Doctors are still trying to decide what to do about the bullet near his spinal cord. His stepmom said they are hoping he will be able to eat on his own. 

James' dad, also named James Bryant, said he was in the shower when the shooting happened Tuesday night.

"I hear a pow and I damn near fell under the toilet," Bryant Sr. explained. "It was right here. I thought they were drive-by shooting. Then I heard 'daddy'…"

When he looked outside, he saw his son on the doorstep of their home injured.

"When I looked back out the window, this time I see my son laying on the ground," he said.

Credit: Photo provided by family

James' dad was in shock and felt like he couldn’t move. His stepmom, Victoria Green, jumped into action to slow the bleeding until an ambulance got there.

Bryant Sr. was concerned with how long it took for an ambulance to arrive. He said it felt like around 10 minutes until an ambulance got there. Once first responders arrived, James was rushed to St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital just after 11 p.m. Tuesday.

Surgeons performed two surgeries. One was to stop the internal bleeding.

"That was the hardest thing in the world," Bryant Sr. said. "I didn’t think it was real until I saw him in that bed in the hospital."

Neighbors across the street described James as a good kid who never got into any trouble. 

"We’re so close to the family, he’s one of ours," the neighbor said. "We take care of each other around here."

They recalled coming outside right after the shooting and seeing James.

"He was laying like this, like sideways, he couldn’t move," neighbors added.

Tampa Police believe James was targeted and they are searching for the shooter. Police are waiting for James to wake up and tell them what he knows.

The family says James never gets into trouble and has no criminal history.

"He’s a sweet loving kid," his stepmom said. "He doesn’t get into trouble like most kids."

"He has so much ahead of him. It’s people being reckless, kids just doing what they want to do and doing what they want to do," a neighbor added.

This neighborhood is located close to Robles Park where a lot of kids live. Parents expressed many are scared after what happened to James.

"My son was so scared last night he wanted me to sleep in his room," one neighbor said.

"My kids wonder why they have to be secluded in the house and this is why, it’s too close to home," another neighbor said.

Everyone is thinking of James and praying he will be OK. The family's biggest concern right now is how close the bullet is to his spinal cord.

"I’m just hoping that my son’s healthy, that he comes out on top and that we get justice," Bryant Sr. stated.

He set up a fundraiser for his son's medical expenses.

Tampa Police are searching for whoever shot James.

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