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Slain toddler's family says reports of guns, drugs in home are misleading

"What my son did years ago has nothing to do with what is going on right here, right now," said Jordan Belliveau's grandmother.

Jordan Belliveau’s paternal family says documents from Pinellas County Child Protective Investigators describing the 2-year-old’s environment before he was turned over to foster parents only tells part of the story.

“What my son did years ago has nothing to do with what is going on right here, right now,” said Jessica Belliveau.

Overwhelmed with emotions Thursday, Belliveau says documents detailing a troubled history between her son Jordan Belliveau Sr. and Charisse Stinson, the mother accused in the 2-year-old's murder, have nothing to do with how her son was as a dad.

“Just because his parents didn’t get along doesn’t mean he was unloved. My son loved that baby,” Jessica Belliveau said.

RELATED: Foster parents: 'We hope Jordan’s loss will lead to change'

In at least 10 reports, investigators reported the home she lived in with her son and Stinson was frequented by suspected gang members and felons with guns. Jordan was only 3 months old.

“There is no gang activity," Belliveau said. "Yes, my kids are on the gang list for Betty Lane Boys, but they are related to all of Betty Lane. It’s a family.”

According to Clearwater Police, Jordan Sr. is listed as gang associate and not a gang member.

Great-grandmother Laurie Moore is listed in the documents as well.

“As far as baby Jordan being put in danger. I don’t think he was put in danger intentionally,” she said.

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Investigators say a shooting took place at her home in October 2016, where Jordan Sr. was shot while standing in the driveway. Caseworkers stated the home was never clean, full of guns, and had no food. The residence was described as a place where Jordan Sr. was suspected of selling drugs.

“They never let the babies have any dealings with that," Moore said. "If it was in the household, the babies didn’t know and the children always had food. They were never left hungry.”

The reports state Jordan Jr. couldn’t escape from the violence while in foster care, detailing a fight taking place during an unsupervised visit at a Burger King on Father’s Day 2017. Police say Stinson threw punches while holding the baby, and Jordan Jr was injured in the process.

Jessica Belliveau says that is not what happened.

“Charise was trying to get out the way. As much as I despise her, she was actually trying to protect the baby in that incident. That incident had nothing to do with her and Jordan Sr. It was my incident,” Belliveau said.

Moore says they’re trying to put this in the past. She says changes are in order.

”I’m hoping people will get the bigger picture and take care of these kids. These kids are our future,” she said.

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