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Sheriff's Office accused of lying again in Aisenberg case

The Hillsborough Sheriff's Office is coming under fire from prominent attorney Barry Cohen, who says he was the target of an investigation in the Sabrina Aisenberg disappearance. The sheriff's office says Cohen was never a target but several say that is not true.

11:00 p.m. Story:Attorney John Trevena says Marlene and Steve Aisenberg's attorney, Barry Cohen, is the target of a Hillsborough Sheriff Office investigation into the disappearance of their baby, Sabrina.Trevena says he learned that Cohen was the target from sheriff's attorney Tony Peluso. Trevena's client, Dennis Byron, wore a wire in jail and taped his cell mate, Scott Overbeck. In court last month, Overbeck said he dumped Sabrina's body in Tampa Bay and Peluso says Cohen and one of his investigators were involved.Trevena says he expressed his concern about the veracity of the story from Mr. Overbeck. Peluso said, quot;Believe it, it is true. It has been collaborated from other sources.quot;Carrie Leece collaborates that Overbeck told her several times in his Dana Shore Home that he dumped the body. However, Leece never mentioned Cohen's name but Sheriff's investigators kept trying to implicate the prominent attorney. Cohen is livid. He says to try to get these people to say he disposed the body is framing. Cohen says that is unacceptable in our justice system.But when the story broke, Hillsborough Sheriff David Gee issued a statement over the weekend saying Cohen never was, or is, a target or a person of interest. Trevena says that just isn't true and he can't believe the statement was issued.Trevena says it is bizarre, because it is contradictory to the evidence and it really contradicts Mr. Peluso's earlier statements. Trevena says it makes no sense.Trevena says it looks like a vendettabecause Peluso, who was a federal prosecutor on the Aisenberg case,dislikes Cohen.Trevena says to spend taxpayer money to try to get someone he dislikes is wrong. He adds it doesn't look good for the Sheriff.And one thing that remains consistent in this case is that the sheriff's office has never looked good.6 p.m. StoryTampa, Florida- The Hillsborough Sheriff's Office appears to be caught in another lie involving the Sabrina Aisenberg case and prominent attorney Barry Cohen.An Attorney for the Sheriff's Office, Tony Peluso is running an investigation concerning the disappearance of baby Sabrina more than 10 years ago. Peluso got an informant to wear a wire and then put him in the same cell as another inmate, Scott Overbeck. The informant, Dennis Byron says Overbeck told him he disposed of the body in Tampa Bay.Once Peluso had that information, attorneys for each inmate and the two convicted felons say the Sheriff's attorney wanted more. All four say Peluso pushed them to somehow implicate Cohen.Peluso who is a former U.S. Attorney who worked on the failed prosecution of Steve and Marlene Aisenberg had a theory that one of Cohen's investigators, who is now deceased, told Overbeck how to get rid of the body.Cohen says that theory is ridiculous. He says both the Sheriff's office and Peluso are going after him because he zealously defended the Aisenbergs when they were accused of killing their baby. Cohen also embarrassed both agencies which said they had undercover tapes with the Aisenbergs admitting they killed Sabrina. A judge said he couldn't hear anything on the tapes and dismissed the case.Now Cohen says the Sheriff's Office is caught in two lies. According to Cohen, Sheriff David Gee promised no one who was involved in the original Aisenberg investigation would be involved in future investigations. However Peluso who is leading the investigation was heavily involved in the prosecution of the Aisenbergs.Cohen says the Sheriff's Office lied when it issued a statement over the weekend that Cohen wasn't a target. The two inmates and their attorneys all say Peluso told them Cohen was the target.Attorney John Trevena says Peluso told him he had an air tight case against Cohen.Trevena says the Sheriff has a major problem. Either he has a rouge investigation going on in hi s office that has cost tax payers thousands of dollars, or he is lying about Cohen not being the target. Trevena says either way the Sheriff is in trouble.Earlier Stories:Tampa, Florida -- A locally prominent Tampa defense attorney says the sheriff's office is trying to frame him in the unsolved disappearance of baby Sabrina Aisenberg a decade ago.Barry Cohen represented Sabrina's parents, Steve and Marleen Aisenberg, after they became the focus of the sheriff's office investigation into the child's mysterious disappearance from her Valrico home in November 1997.On Monday, Cohen said Hillsborough County sheriff's investigators used a jailed informant to try to implicate Cohen and one of his investigators in disposing the baby's body. Cohen has feuded with the sheriff's office for years, blaming it for bungling the Aisenberg investigation.He also states he still believes baby Sabrina is alive and says he has always had a feeling that she will be found someday.The sheriff's office denied that Cohen was ever targeted.div align="center">


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