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Traffic changes to Memorial Boulevard

<p>Trraffic changes to Memorial Boulevard</p>

According to the Florida Department of Transportation, there have been over 30 bicyclist and pedestrians hit by cars since 2012 on Lakeland’s Memorial Boulevard. They said in one hour they observed nearly 100 people illegally crossing Memorial Boulevard. Today, FDOT presented their findings to the Lakeland City Commissioners and showed them ways to make the road safer; like installing decorative barriers.

“People, I believe, will channel themselves to the right area to cross a street. Sure you will have those who will still do their own thing," says Lakeland City Commissioner Phillip Walker. But many residents don't agree with him.

Marcelino Cruz says he crosses Memorial Boulevard 10-12 times a day. He says, “You don’t have a special spot where everybody has to cross, because the majority of people will not listen to it and cross wherever they want to."

Some other ideas FDOT presented was a new traffic signal that stops cars for pedestrians and also redesigning the medians to allow for crossing safe zones. If approved, construction on Memorial Boulevard could start in 2018.

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