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Judge investigated over relationship with bailiff

A Polk County judge is under investigation over whether she had an improper relationship with a bailiff.
Polk County Judge Susan Flood

TALLAHASSEE, Florida (AP) - A central Florida judge is under investigation over whether she had an improper relationship with a bailiff.

The Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission on Monday filed notice of formal charges with the state Supreme Court against Polk County Judge Susan Flood. Flood has been asked to respond to allegations about her relationship with former bailiff James Maxcy.

The Ledger reports that the investigation stems from an investigation into another Polk County employee.

A judicial assistant was fired last year for falsifying time sheets. The employee then alleged she was fired in retaliation for making sexual harassment complaints, which were later recanted.

The newspaper reports that Circuit Judge Beth Harlan retired in exchange for prosecutors dropping charges against her alleging that she approved the false timecards.

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