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Hillsborough County students have a revised cell phone policy to adhere to

The policy restricts cell phone use during the school day and prohibits students from sexting and texting while driving, among other things.
Credit: Davide Angelini - stock.adobe.co

HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. — Earlier this week, the Hillsborough County School Board approved revisions to the district's cell phone policy for students during the upcoming school year. 

It's the first time in nearly 10 years since the cell phone and electronic device policy has been revised, according to the district's website. The school district maintains the use of cell phones and other wireless communication devices is still prohibited whenever classes are in session. That is unless the teacher or a school staff member says otherwise. 

During the school day, students need to have their phones on silent and kept in their backpacks, lunchboxes, pockets, or at least out of site while they are on school property or at a school function. 

Students are also not allowed to use any wireless devices (i.e., headphones, earbuds, two-way messaging devices, smart watches, electronic games devices, and more) before or after school. 

However, high school students are allowed to use their phones during lunch. A principal must permit elementary and middle schoolers to use their phones during lunch. Principals can also add more restrictive conditions at their schools if they think they're necessary. 

If a student is caught using their phones or electronics when they aren't supposed to, it may be confiscated and the school might contact the student's parent or guardian. Repeated offenses could result in disciplinary actions, the district said. 

If the policy was violated via a criminal act, like sexting or other violations, the device will be turned over to law enforcement and the student could face criminal penalties. 

Students are also prohibited from using their electronics while driving any car on school property, or while operating a vehicle owned or leased by the district on or off school property. This applies especially to texting, emailing, messaging and social media use. 

Electronics and phones with built-in cameras are also not allowed in any locker rooms, showers or bathrooms. 

Students are also prohibited from taking photos or videos without permission involving students or staff and posting them online or social media. 

The revised policy also prohibits students from using their electronics and phones to send any threatening, obscene or sexually explicit materials or engage in "sexting" while on school grounds. 

Emergencies require phones to be put in silent mode, the policy states. An exception can be made for students who have a health condition that must be monitored by a phone and electronic device, provided medical documentation has been submitted and approved by the school. 

For more information about this policy, or to read more policies, click or tap here

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