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Will construction further delay traffic near Tampa school when classes resume?

While the street at the front of Seminole Heights Elementary is expected to reopen, access to other roads will still be closed.

TAMPA, Fla. — As classes resume this week, a construction project nearby in the Seminole Heights neighborhood has some worried about traffic and safety.

It all stems from delays in the project. It's aimed to alleviate congestion near Seminole Heights Elementary School. However, even with that, some neighbors worry it may not be enough.

"It's been a little bit annoying, mostly due to traffic, not so much of the construction," Laurence Timmerman, who lives nearby, said. 

Construction is blocking access to parts of East Hanna and North Central Avenues, which are by the school.

All of the work is for the multi-million dollar Seminole Heights Flooding Relief Project aimed to improve drainage and reduce flooding of roadways, homes and businesses.

"We've encountered multiple, unforeseen conditions in the intersection and along the roadway itself that have created multiple setbacks for us," Will Stock with Nelson Construction told Tampa City Council at a July meeting.

However, Stock told council work to repave Hanna Avenue in front of the school, which would begin in August and be ready before classes begin. 

Parents and guardians will need to travel through East Hanna Avenue or drive southbound on North Central Avenue in order to drop off their children.

Regardless, access to other parts of the intersection during drop off and pick up will stay closed.

Timmerman said he's not worried so long as parents follow the flow of traffic. Families have since been notified of proper drop-off and pick-up amid blockages from construction work. 

The project is expected to be completed sometime next year, according to the city. 

Credit: Seminole Heights Elementary

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