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City Council votes to approve $56.8M Tampa Riverwalk expansion

$24 million of the expansion project is covered by a federal grant. Construction is expected to begin later this year and finish in 2027.

TAMPA, Fla. — Tampa City Council approved plans to expand the iconic Tampa Riverwalk Thursday afternoon.

Currently, the 2.6-mile route winds along Tampa's waterfront. This plan would add 6 miles through West Tampa. 

While all city councilors say the project is a nice idea, two voted against it today because of the cost.

For context, when the city planned for this riverwalk expansion before the pandemic, the estimated cost of the project was roughly $30 million. Then, last month, City Council approved a new construction agreement to nearly double that price tag to $56.8 million. 

The city of Tampa was awarded a $24 million grant for this project. However, it would have to foot the remainder of the bill. 

"Instead of a 25% match, now it's going to be a 216% match, and that is not fiscally responsible in my opinion," said City Councilor Lynn Hurtak. "I am a steward of taxpayer money and I cannot vote for something that's this much of an expansion." 

City Councilor Bill Carlson also voted in opposition on Thursday. 

All other councilmembers were in support though, with some pointing out that the grant money is not transferable.

Councilmember Luis Viera said, "If we were to say no to this, we would have to write a check to Uncle Sam for $24 million and go, 'We don't want this money.' I'm not willing to do that." 

Viera and other city councilors argue the expansion is a long-term investment. 

"This is something that's going to benefit Tampa for generations," said Viera. "And it'll certainly be a catalyst for economic development. This project is the very nature of an investment." 

About 2 miles of the planned west riverwalk route will hug the waterline, then it will loop via Platt Street, Rome Avenue, and Columbus Drive.

Construction is expected to begin at the end of this year and be completed in 2027.

Tampa Mayor Jane Castor is a strong advocate of this project, sharing this statement: 

"We are so excited about this transformational project that is much more than a linear park and world-class bike-pedestrian trail. The new West Riverwalk is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to link people to jobs, schools, and activities, while forever protecting public access to the West Tampa waterfront for future generations.”

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