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First a murder and now fires at Clearwater house

Tragedy strikes a Clearwater woman again. First her husband was murdered and now her house has burned down.

Clearwater, Florida - As fire investigators shovel debris out a second story window, the home's owner Rebecca Fenton struggles to put on a brave face.

"Just say goodbye," Fenton says, waving a hand at the charred structure. "It's the end of the chapter."

On Thursday night a fire, initially blamed on an electrical panel, took much of the house. Fenton and the elderly man she cares for escaped just in time.

Then early Saturday morning, another fire ran through the second story. Its start is so suspicious that investigators call it arson and they're now taking a closer look at the first fire.

As for Fenton, she's lost everything but her faith. "The Lord is in charge. Everything's going to be okay," she says with a smile.

Fenton stays strong saying, "it's just a house", but the place did hold memories from happier times.

10 News was there in 2008 talking with Rebecca and her husband Larry about the benefits of her acupuncture face lift. "I definitely noticed a difference in her forehead," Larry told us at the time.

But just a few weeks after that interview police were putting up crime scene tape. Larry Fenton had been shot to death. "He was kind, he was my Larry," Rebecca recalled, breaking into tears today.

Larry's death is still a murder mystery; no arrests. And Rebecca now hopes news of the fires could heat up this cold case and perhaps spark a memory. She says she'd like to see justice for Larry.

One of the few things Rebecca salvaged from the fires was her wedding ring. It still sparkles, even as the smoky clouds of tragedy swirl about her. "I'm not sure if this is an ending or a beginning," says Rebecca, before once again quoting the bible. "If the Lord the Lord is with us, who is against us."

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