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Domestic violence survivors in Tampa Bay give advice of escaping abuse as holiday season approaches

Tampa Bay does not see an increase in domestic violence calls over the holidays, but the financial and social stresses that come this time of year can be seen.

CLEARWATER, Fla. — Barbara Mellen says it wasn't easy.

Despite enduring years of domestic violence, she struggled with the idea of leaving her situation, especially when she feared the unknown of her food and shelter insecurity.

“That was one of the reasons that I didn't leave right away,” Mellen said. “It was because I thought I was going to lose the house. How can we support us? Just on my income?”

Now, through the organization that helped Mellen, Hope Villages of America, she and others are sharing their stories to let other domestic violence victims know that there is hope.

“Don't hide. Don't get through the holidays, because that's one more bad memory for you and your child or family there,” Mellen said. “It's time to leave now and to get help because there is help out there.”

Organizations like Hope Villages of America help care for people who may be struggling.

Statistically, the number of domestic abuse calls in the Tampa Bay region does not increase during the holidays, but workers see the financial and social stresses that come this time of year.

“I think that they want to just get through the holidays," said Hope Villages of America CEO Nick DiCeglie. "You're with family. Folks are coming in from out of town,”

The food bank wants domestic violence victims to know they don't have to suffer in silence and that there is a better way.

“The services [we offer] really are life-changing,” DiCeglie said. “They're saving lives at the end of the day. We take it very seriously. Always have, and always will.”

“There is no reason to stay one more day, one more minute,” Mellen said. “The resources are out there. The help is out there.”

Experts say signs to look for this time of year include people who may seem unusually quiet or easily startled. Also, bowing out of activities and holiday engagements because they say their partner just wants to spend time alone is another sign – including bruising or make-up to cover those types of marks.

There are more than 40 domestic violence shelters in Florida. All offer free resources for those who need it.

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