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Documents released in Casey Anthony case

Hundreds of pages of discovery documents were released by the state attorney's office Friday morning in the case against Casey Anthony.

-- Hundreds of pages of discovery documents were released by the state attorney's office Friday morning in the case against Casey Anthony.The documents contain the previously released transcripts of several depositions taken for the civil case against Anthony, including interviews with Anthony's family members, as well as police interviews with Joy Wray, Sean Krause, Ricardo Morales and Michelle Murphy. Wray participated in the search for Caylee Anthony's body and brought investigators photos from her searches. In an October interview with Sgt. John Allen, Wray said she participated in two of Tim Miller's searches with Equusearch. Wray told Allen her pictures were from searches of Lake Moss and Blanchard Park. Wray said she was at Blanchard Park the day Leonard Padilla found bones and toys at the bottom of a lake. quot;I think he was making a show and planting stuff,quot; Wray said about Padilla. Wray said she began searching the area off of Suburban Drive two days after Caylee was reported missing because she had a quot;gut feeling.quot; She said she searched the area alone more than 10 times. She said the area had around 6 inches of standing water. Caylee's body was found in the same wooded area, which is near the Anthony family's east Orlando home, in December. Although the area had previously been searched, search teams said it had substantial amounts of standing water, which may have been why Caylee's body was not located during previous searches. The incident report from Wray's interview and submission of photos said, quot;It should be noted that Joy admitted to me of being Baker Acted five times.quot; Also included in the release was screen shots of Universal Studio's Web site. Anthony initially told police she worked at Universal, and even led investigators there before turning around and admitting she no longer worked there. Caylee autopsy results were expected to be released with the documents, but a last-minute motion filed by George and Cindy Anthony's attorney blocked the release. Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in Caylee's death. Documents have been released by the prosecution periodically leading up to the trial. />

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