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Clearwater reviews its noise ordinance

Clearwater officials are reviewing its noise ordinance at the request of the Clearwater Beach Chamber of Commerce.
The Clearwater City Council plans to consider updating the city's noise ordinance.

Clearwater, Florida -- The beat on the beach is ruffling some feathers.

Some Clearwater beach residents want to bring the noise level down, while others say live music is one of the very things that draws in tourists.

"That's what brings people here. The music, the energy, the vibe, the nightlife. That's what people come here for," says Mike Clarkson. He lives on the beach and at one point lived in a high rise where he could hear music from outdoor venues. "I like living on the beach. The music doesn't bother me. It's part of living on the beach."

Stephen Diaz also lives on the beach and he says the noise can be a bit much specifically late at night. "Especially the cars going up and down the street at 2 o'clock in the morning with their boom boxes on," says Diaz.

LEARN MORE:Clearwater noise ordinance

According to the Clearwater Beach Chamber of Commerce, drivers blaring music into the early hours was initially the reason for the city's noise ordinance. The chamber says in recent years, it seems the ordinance has been improperly applied to businesses and their outdoor entertainment.

"Most every business understands it and complies," says Darleen Kole. Kole is the president of the Clearwater Beach Chamber of Commerce. The chamber asked city council to review the ordinance. The Chief of Police says since January, Clearwater officers have responded to 90 noise complaints. They only found one violation.

Most businesses have worked to mitigate noise, but the chief says that only really works on the ground level. For residents in high rise condominium buildings they often have a direct line to noise.

Clearwater city council plans to revisit the issue this Thursday.

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