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70 years later: Local veteran looks back at D-Day

On the 70th anniversary of D-Day, a local WW2 veteran gives us a glimpse of what that day was like through his eyes.
Army veteran Pat Macri recalls his role in D-Day during the Allied landing along the French coast on June 6, 1944.

Crystal River, Florida -- "You've heard the phrase 'war is hell,' and I'm here to tell you it is," says Pat Macri, as the Army veteran recalls his role in D-Day, the Allied landing along the French coast on June 6, 1944.

Looking in the mirror, seven decades later, the military jacket may fit a little different, but the memories from June 6, 1944, remain the same.

"I was a member of the 101st Division. I jumped into Normandy at midnight on the 5th before the sea landing on the 6th," says Macri, looking back on the Allied campaign along 50 miles of the French coast.

As a 19-year-old Army paratrooper, Macri would find himself in an empty field in Normandy after his jump, but he was alive and safe.

"Germans knew we were jumping but they didn't know where," says Macri.

But, after he made it to the beach, hours later, he realized it was different for so many soldiers.

"When we saw the beaches we were glad we were paratroopers because it was tremendous deaths and tragedy on those beaches," says Macri.

Macri says more than 25 percent of the men in his division were either killed, wounded, or missing in action.

"Seeing the casualties, I was fortunate I was not a rifleman. I respect and pray for souls that didn't make it," says Macri.

Now, generations from the past 70 years decorate the walls of Macri's home. He says if he hadn't survived, this would had never been possible. Macri hopes generations to come will never forget those who didn't.

"I'll always think about the young American's that didn't make it as far as I did," says Macri.

To learn more about D-Day and other World War II battles, visit the website for the National World War II Museum.

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