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Parts of Tampa Bay area to reach record highs: Here's how to avoid overheating

When temps get this hot, health officials recommend staying indoors if you're able.

TAMPA, Fla. — Temperatures could reach record highs in the Tampa Bay area, with inland cities soaring to "feels-like" temps in the 100s. 

If you can, health officials recommend staying inside where it's cool, especially during the early afternoon hours between 2-3 p.m. when temperatures peak. 

Before that, here are five (free) preventative measures you can take, starting right now, to avoid overheating. 

  1. Drink plenty of water
  2. Dress appropriately
  3. Use cool wash rags
  4. Head to the water
  5. Place ice buckets in front of a fan 

Hydrate before you get too warm

Doctors recommend drinking a minimum amount of 64 ounces on a regular day. In order to regulate your body temperature, you should be hydrated prior to stepping outside. 

Dress for the weather

You can do more than just a shirt and shorts. When you're picking out your clothes for a sweaty, summer, day think light. 

Focus on wearing lightweight, light-colored, and loose-fitting outfits. According to the University of South Florida, keeping skin exposed is important for the body to be able to sweat and for the moisture to evaporate. 


Use wet wash rags to cool down 

Whether you're already too hot or would like to cool off quickly, using a cool towel to bring your core temperature down can be effective. A simple wet rag can easily do the trick by placing it over your head, or on the back of your neck. 

Head to the water

A cold shower or bath is a quick way to cool you off, and it may offer other health benefits too. 

Many Bay Area community pools are now open for the summers as well if the beach is too crowded for you. 

Fill a bucket full of ice and place it in front of a fan 

An easy and free hack, if you have an ice-maker handy, is to fill up a bucket full of ice and simply put it in front of an isolating fan. 

When the air blows over the ice, it will send crisp, cool, air rushing towards you. 

When it comes to staying inside on Florida's hot summer days, 10 Tampa Bay has a few money-saving hacks to help cut down on your energy bills. 

  1. Keep the blinds shut.
  2. Close the doors to rooms you're not using.
  3. Keep your thermostat on one temperature.
  4. Turn off ceiling fans in empty rooms.
  5. Use two boxed fans for circulation. 

If you don't have air conditioning or it's not powerful enough, try using two box fans in a window. Box fan No. 1 will sit in the window facing towards the room, while box fan No. 2 will be placed right next to the other, also inside the window opening, sucking out the hot air. The circulation of these two air movements is similar to how an air conditioning unit operates. 

If all else fails, head to public places like your city or county libraries, or indoor shopping malls. These public places will be safe, cool, places to beat the heat and everyone is allowed to be there. 

When it comes to keeping your family safe, you'll want to know the signs of heat illness or worse, heat stroke. 

Symptoms of heat exhaustion include excessive sweating, nausea, a weak pulse, dizziness, muscle cramps and cool, clammy skin.

If this happens, get to a cool place and drink water.

However, if you stop sweating, your skin becomes hot and you develop a strong pulse or throbbing headache, you may be suffering from heat stroke.

Heat stroke is a medical emergency, and you should call 9-1-1 immediately. 

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