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New COVID-19 vaccine to be made available soon following summer surge in cases

The CDC is recommending the vaccine for anyone over the age of six months.

TAMPA, Fla. — The leading manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccine say they are already shipping the latest formulation of the shots to hospitals, doctors' offices and pharmacies around the nation.

The FDA approved the new vaccines last week, just as the Tampa Bay area is seeing a summer surge in the virus.

The CDC is recommending the vaccine for anyone over the age of six months.

It may be challenging to find anyone who doesn't know someone who's gotten COVID again this summer.

“You know, people get sick. But it seems like there's more people all at once being sick,” said Ma Dowling, who’s noticed several absences at his Tampa office.

“Me, personally, I know of two people,” said Rebecca Torres who works in Tampa as well. “But I'm starting to hear more people saying be careful because it's coming back around again.”

Megan Kramer says she caught COVID-19 over the summer, along with her family.

“Yeah, no, It's back. Everybody has it,” Kramer said. “I took a whole week off because my whole family got it. When we went on a trip.”

Wastewater samples show high concentrations of the virus. Hospitals ERs are also reportedly busier than they've been in some time.

“Those indicators have been going up for months. And they are peeking right now at levels that we haven't seen since 2020,” said USF Health’s Dr. Jill Roberts. “Bottom line is absolutely go and get it.”

Dr. Roberts says the newest COVID vaccines have been formulated to protect against the latest, most prevalent variants.

If you think you already have immunity — Dr. Roberts says think again. 

“Yes, unfortunately, that immunity wanes. And so, somewhere between three and six months people don't have the protection anymore, whether you've been infected or whether you've actually been vaccinated,” said Dr. Roberts. “And the main reason for that is that these strains change.”

While Roberts recommends everyone gets the shot after consulting with their own physician — it’s crucial, she says, for those over 65 years old, immune deficient or living with comorbidities. 

“Those are the highest risk. And they should definitely be vaccinated,” said Dr. Roberts. “But I don't want to discount anybody. Anybody can get this shot. They should go ahead and do so.”

Roberts says those who have recently gotten a booster should still consider getting the new shot, and it’s the same for those who recently had COVID-19 and acquired some natural immunity.

However, it’s probably okay to wait until the fall and get the new vaccine around the same time you would get your flu vaccination, she explains.

The first of these new vaccines are being produced with mRNA technology, and Dr. Roberts acknowledged there are those “who are worried about the mRNA shot.” For them, she said, “The Novavax, which is the protein shot, is coming out right behind this one. So, I would expect that one to actually get approved soon and be available as well.”

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