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Mother says essential oils help with daughter's autism

A local mother credits the use of some essential oils with relieving the symptoms of her daughter's autism.
Essential oils are a highly volatile organic compound that come from plants, roots, stems and leaves. They are used for everything from a stomach ache to autism.

About one in 88 children have autism and the conditions vary for each child. But what if there was a simple solution that helped eased the signs and symptoms?

10News WTSP "This Morning" anchor Allison Kropff introduces you to a mother who says essential oils changed her daughter's life.

When you first see this video, you'd think she is a happy, healthy 2-year-old.

But her mother says Thomais is in full-blown regression and this habit of being awake from 3  to 5  in the morning was too common.

"It's as if a little button had been shut down in her brain. And she was doing jibberish."


Yadira Calderon says her daughter went from learning three languages with a bubbly personality to no longer speaking, lining up her toys and losing motor skills.

"It is devastating as a parent. First of all you don't know, second of all you're wondering what is going on?"

Thomais was diagnosed with autism in June 2011. Yadira met with doctors, did research and talked with parents which led her to try essential oils.

Essential oils have become quite the trend the past few years. You've likely seen them everywhere from your social media feeds to store shelves.

Expert Hillary Miller says the popularity comes from people wanting less side effects.

"When you use it you're not worried about a list that goes on for miles that it might cause problems and it's a natural thing and our body can recognize it and use it the way it's supposed to."

Essential oils are a highly volatile organic compound that come from plants, roots, stems and leaves. They are used for everything from a stomach ache to autism:

-- Cinnamon is a very powerful antibacterial.

-- Lavender is known for its relaxing effects on the body.

-- Frankincense is used from relieving stress to reducing pain and inflammation to boosting immunity.

But they are not  regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and experts must be compliant.

"We're not saying these are cures or they're going to diagnose specific diseases or illnesses. They're just to help different things in your body. They're to help your body work like it's supposed to," says Miller.

That's how Yadira uses them. Every day she puts frankincense and lemongrass along Thomais' spinal cord, behind her neck and on the soles of her feet.

"With the ear pain, frankincense and lavender. I put it on, within 15 minutes my daughter stops screaming. Just like that."

She says added with a homeopathic medicine, essential oils have helped her daughter become a functional kid again.

"The essential oils become the go-to, I cannot call it a remedy, because it's not a remedy. But it becomes a problem solver. And that's a big relief as a parent to know there are those tools out there."

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