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Local BLM leader claims police brutality, body camera released

Carl Soto was pulled over on Aug. 29th for a license plate violation. He was arrested for resisting the officer, the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office said.

TAMPA, Fla. — The co-founder of a Black Lives Matter chapter in Polk County is accusing a Hillsborough County Deputy of "brutally attacking him" during a traffic stop in August. 

The department calls the accusations "baseless" and defends the deputy's actions. The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office said it was a routine traffic stop over a license plate violation that escalated in seconds because of Soto. 

The incident took place in the early afternoon of Aug. 29. Hillsborough County Deputy Alex Almaguer pulled over Soto for a license plate violation, under Florida Statute 316.605. Specifically, he had a Joker sticker covering his Florida plate. 

As Almaguer approached the driver's side of the car, Soto was the first to speak. 

"I'm going to give you about 0.2 seconds to explain what you've pulled me over for, because I have not committed any traffic violations," said Soto. 

"The tag. You can't have that design," Almaguer responded.

"Yes, sir you can. I'm a third year law student. This is not something you want to do, and as you can see my shirt," said Soto, referencing his 'Black Lives Matter' attire. 

A dispute followed in which the deputy repeatedly asked for Soto's drivers license, and Soto repeatedly asked for the deputy's commanding officer. 

After three minutes, the situation escalated to the point where Almaguer asked Soto to get out of the car. Soto refused, citing a recent back surgery, and the deputy ultimately pulled out his taser and got Soto to the ground and in handcuffs. 

You can watch the entire arrest here

Today, Soto said he is a victim of police brutality and racial profiling. 

"There was no lawful reason for this deputy to put his hands on me over a tag," said Soto. "This wouldn't have happened if I was a few shades lighter, I'll tell you that much."

Soto also said this altercation exacerbated injuries to his back following a recent surgery. 

"I am formally demanding the Department of Justice charge Deputy Alex Almaguer with assault! The law allows it!" said Soto. 

However, the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office told us it stands by the deputy's actions. 

Spokesperson Amanda Granite said in a press conference, "This deputy was trying to have this resolved and have this de-escalated time and time again." 

Granite said the traffic stop could have ended with a warning had Soto cooperated. 

"This was an individual who was the aggressor, who was acting combative, who was acting disrespectful. But this deputy did everything Mr. Soto asked. When he was asked why he was pulled over, he not only gave him an exact explanation, but the exact state statute. When he asked for a supervisor, the deputy called for one immediately," said Granite. 

The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office said it will now be up to a judge to determine the legality of the sticker on that license plate. Soto faces a charge of resisting an officer without violence. 

The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office released the full body camera video of the arrest which may be viewed here

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