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Cancer diagnosis turns into Finn's Fight

The 6-year-old diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma has chemotherapy treatment every 15 days.

TAMPA, Fla. — To say the last year has been a whirlwind for the Gray family would be an understatement. When their six-year-old son's back hurt, they didn't think much of it.

But when he couldn't walk, they knew something was wrong. 10News anchor Allison Kropff shows you how the diagnosis turned into Finn's fight.

It's been a tough nine months for six-year-old Finn Gray. In August of 2018, he was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma, a soft tissue cancer at the top of his spine.

“Watching him in pain. When he says Mom, why can't you make it go away? Or when he knows he has to have his port accessed. That's the most dramatic thing,” says Christen Gray, Finn’s mom.

He had two surgeries to remove the tumor and started chemotherapy right away.

He goes in for chemo treatments every 15 days.

“He's been a champ. He's really our hero," she added. "He has to go in every 15 days, he has a port that was placed so he has access through his port. If he spikes a fever, which he's done, it's an immediate emergency room trip.”

Which he's had a few of...as well as blood transfusions and platelet transfusions all on top of daily shots of medicine.

“He's just always got a smile and a joke. For what he's had to deal with," Gray said.

With two more cycles of chemo left, they have something to look forward to.

“He's been through this tough journey and this struggle, that we really need to let him celebrate that, however he wants to celebrate that," she said.

The Gray family has received so much help from people in the community, they want to pay it forward. They've started a nonprofit.

This Friday they're also hosting an event called Finns Fighters to raise money for Pediatric Cancer and Allison is emceeing the event. Tickets are still available.

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