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Minimum wage set to raise to $11 in Florida by end of September

Back in 2020, voters in Florida decided to amend the state's constitution to increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour by Sept. 30, 2026.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — With the end goal of making the minimum wage in Florida $15 by 2026, the base pay will be raised slightly from $10 to $11 starting at the end of the month.

Back in 2020, voters in the Sunshine State decided to amend the state's constitution to increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour by Sept. 30, 2026.

With more than 60 percent of voters approving Amendment 2, a whole dollar will be added to the state's minimum wage in September each year toward the goal. This means workers can look forward to earning $12 an hour starting in September 2023.

After reaching $15 in 2026, increases in minimum wage will be adjusted for inflation.

Florida was recently ranked average when it comes to working.

Oxfam, an organization focused on alleviating global poverty, published its annual list of the "Best and Worst States to Work in America." Florida came in at No. 29.

The index ranks all 50 states, plus Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C., based on three main factors: wage policies, worker protections and rights to organize.

As for the overall rankings of best places to work, the west coast dominated. Oregon, California and Washington earned the top three spots. Georgia, Mississippi and North Carolina found their places at the bottom of the list. Oxfam said Florida and Arkansas ranked closely in the labor index.

To read more about Florida ranking in at No. 29 on the list, click here.

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