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Tips for donating to charity on Veterans Day

The Better Business Bureau has a list of tips to ensure your money is going to the right place.

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Veterans Day is time to thank and acknowledge living veterans who previously served in the United States military.

Some will honor the day with a donation to one of the many local and national charities that assist with a variety of issues and needs facing veterans, military service members and their families.

But before you hand over the check, there are a few things to keep in mind to make sure your money is going to the right place.

Here are wise donating tips from the Better Business Bureau:

  • Look out for name similarity confusion. Some charities use the same words in a slightly different order or different form, so make sure the organization you're donating to is the one you want to support.
  • Research what they do. Don't just assume what a veterans' organization does based on their name alone. Look for a clear description on their website.
  • Be careful of over-the-phone campaigns. Some telemarketing campaigns for veterans organizations can be an expensive way to raise funds with very little going to the organization. If called, don't hesitate to ask for more information about how the money is used.
  • Don't be pressured into donating. Be wary if somebody demands an on-the-spot donation. Charities should welcome your gift whenever you want to send it. 
  • Ask about non-monetary donations. Several charities accept clothing, food or other in-kind donations.
  • Make sure the charity is legitimate. You can check out charity reports on BBB’s Give.org, Charity Navigator, or your state government’s charity registration agency.

See the Better Business Bureau's list of accredited veterans charities.


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