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Family finds Christmas present on the side of the road and looks for its owner

A Christmas present found on the side of Route 202 in Buxton was picked up by a family determined to find who the gift belong.

BUXTON, Maine — A Christmas gift found on the side of the road will soon be returned to its rightful owner thanks to a mother and son who picked it up and posted a picture of the gift on Facebook looking for the person it belonged to.

"We were just driving down the road and we saw this and we came and picked it up," 13-year-old Kooper Gervais said.

Kooper noticed the wrapped gift on the side of Route 202 in Buxton on Saturday. His mom Julie Court says she was hesitant, "to let my kid out of the car on the side of 202 but he insisted."

The gift didn't belong on the side of the road, rather it should have been given to 6-year-old Emma Denney. It was a present from her dad's family.

"He had a truck, literally a truckload full of presents for her and so one flew out the back," Emma's mom, Elizabeth Elsea said.

Elsea said truthfully, she and Emma didn't even know the present was missing until they saw Court's post on Facebook.

Making that connection brought Christmas joy to both families. Court said it was a relief to find Emma.

"I had this picture of this little girl really sad that she was maybe missing part of a gift," she said.

Emma said she's happy Kooper and his mom didn't leave it on the side of the road and is curious about what it might be.

The two families are still working out the details on when they can exchange the gift.

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