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Tampa Prep holds virtual senior walk after COVID-19 canceled the celebration

The goal: to make students smile during a tough time.
Credit: Tampa Prep

TAMPA, Fla. — While the coronavirus has canceled countless experiences for the graduating class of 2020, one school wasn't going to let it cancel its senior walk and turned the celebration virtual. 

Tampa Prep's Head of School, Kevin Plummer hopped on the school's Instagram live to honor the class of 2020 with a mock senior walk as they all watched and commented virtually. 

"This is our senior walk COVID style," Plummer said in the video.

Credit: Tampa Prep

To kick things off, Plummer made sure to check the stairwell where his seniors would be if schools were not closed. That's when "We Will Rock You" came echoing from behind the doors, as seniors "prepped" for the experience. 

Once things got rolling, Plummer and the school's mascot began to walk the halls and even gave out fake high fives to students and staff who would be typically found there yelling "what's up" and "how you doing?"

There were even some surprise appearances. 

Credit: Tampa Prep

Staff from Tampa Prep wearing PPE sent messages of support along the way to the graduating class before joining the senior walk. 

Students soaked up the experience as they watched, commenting "seniors!" "woooo," "we love you Mr. Plummer" and "go 2020."

The goal: to make students smile during a tough time

"We just wanted to have this moment with you guys," Plummer said as "Sweet Caroline" filled the walks final stop. "This is your song seniors, a whole bunch of people misses you. Whole bunch of people love you to death."

Here's to the class of 2020!

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