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Wheelchair doesn't sideline this Florida pug

If you regularly travel South Tropical Trail, then you know Simon.
Simon the Merritt Island Pug is a handicapped dog pushing 15 years old, and he is a finalist for the 2016 Handicappedpets.com Calendar Contest. Voting continues on their Facebook page until Sept.10.

If you regularly travel South Tropical Trail, then you know Simon.

As cars and bikes pass by, drivers tap their horns to say hello to this guy. Traffic slows as people wave. And if you stop to snap a photo of him, he'll pause and pose.

When you're a 15-year-old pug regularly tearing up the asphalt in a wheelchair, you're a big deal. And you know it.

"If he can do it, what's your excuse?" owner Kathy Poliner, 60, said of Simon's daily mile-long walk. The tan and black 20-pound pooch has even been dubbed "Robodog" by a passer-by as he makes his daily canine stroll down the lush roadway despite his physical challenges.

Poliner's "granddog" (Simon, after all, used to belong to her son) has become a staple on South Tropical Trail, inspiring runners and building a community fan base. Simon's also a finalist in a 2016 calendar content hosted by the website from which Poliner bought his wheels. The New Hampshire-based business, handicappedpets.com, sells dog wheelchairs, products, services and support for disabled and elderly pets.

"Simon is a classic example of the fact that pets can have full, healthy lives, even with disabilities, if they have just a little bit of assistance and the right tools that work for them," Poliner said of her pet.


The well-tempered pooch started having problems about eight years ago after he jumped off a countertop in the laundry room post-bath. Initially, he seemed OK. As months went on, "he started dragging his back feet when he walked," Poliner explained.

Simon's veterinarian suggested acupuncture, which Poliner says helped for about four years. Then, she knew she needed more.

"What do you do with a dog?" Poliner said of pets in his condition, which sometimes are euthanized. "He's a vibrant, healthy, alert dog."

She stumbled upon handicappedpets.com, a business that sells "wheelchairs" for dogs. Simon scored his wheels in December 2013 and took to them immediately, Poliner said. He's been on the move ever since.

As she sat next to her pug on the floor of her Merritt Island home, she explained how people often stop to ask about him. Simon's logged more than 600 miles wheeling up and down South Tropical Trail. He "likes his runners and bikers a lot," Poliner said, adding that he "cheers" them on, especially on Saturdays and Sundays.

"I run Tropical Trail on Sunday mornings and Simon is usually out for his walk," Allen-Buono told FLORIDA TODAY.

Simon doesn't act like he has physical roadblocks, she notes. But you'd better acknowledge his presence if you're chatting with his mom. Or you're going to pay. With your toes.

"He ran across my foot with his wheels and it was the sweetest thing ever," Allen-Buono wrote of Simon's need to command an audience. "He loves attention and he's so affectionate. All of us runners love to see sweet Simon."

Just looking at the comments on his official entry on Facebook, it's clear she's not alone in that thought.

"We always take a break from running to visit with Simon!!" wrote Becky Engel Maitlen.

"I love Simon," commented Paula Lemieux. "Always happily greets us on our runs. He's become quite a popular guy."

"I love seeing Simon on South tropical Trail," wrote Regina Yvonne Hevener Kennedy. "He brightens my day when I see him with his big wheels on"

Tygh Freeman added: "Simon is the best!!!"

Poliner hopes others agree.

"We'd love for him to be able to win the contest or at least get enough votes to be in the calendar," Poliner said. "Since he has his American flag on, everyone suggested he might be a great 'Mr. July.' "

Votes are cast via the site's Facebook page under the album, "2016 Calendar Contest Voting," which ends Sept. 10. While there are more than 50 pets in the contest, only 13 will be chosen. Voting rules note that "Winners are chosen based on how many 'likes' their photos receive on the Facebook voting gallery. A final vote will be taken by the staff," the post reads.

On a Wednesday visit with FLORIDA TODAY, Poliner was thumbing through Facebook on her tablet and broke into a cheer around 4:30 p.m.

"Yes! We just made 500," Poliner said of the "likes" on Simon's official contest photo. Simon, resting on the pillow in the kitchen after a midday stroll, was able to contain his excitement.

Despite his demeanor, Simon's not home free. Poliner admitted she's kept her eye on other contestants. Of particular concern are two dogs from Mexico and one from China.

"The Mexican dogs are killing it," Poliner laughed. "The one has 900 votes."

"Enjoy the adorableness," she jokes of other contestants. "Just don't vote for them."

via our partners at FloridaToday.com

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