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Mote introducing resident Florida manatee 'Buffett' to other rescued manatee

The introduction is taking place today in a controlled setting to ensure the animals are compatible with one another, officials said in a release.

SARASOTA, Fla. — Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium's resident manatee will soon be introduced to a potential companion.

Today, Buffett the Florida manatee will be introduced to another rescued manatee, temporarily closing the exhibit to guests as the introduction takes place, aquarium officials stated in a news release.

"While Buffett’s best interests have been a focal point for USFWC, FWC and Mote, the decision to introduce another manatee to Buffett has to also be in the best interest of the companion animal, and we’re pleased that all involved agencies and organizations agree this introduction is what is in the best interest for both manatees," officials said in a statement.

However, if the manatees are incompatible, Mote says separation plans are in place. 

Who is Buffett?

Originally born at the Miami Seaquarium, Buffett came to Mote in 1996, officials said in the resident manatee's official bio. The Florida manatee is reportedly one of the only manatees in the world trained to participate in voluntary, detailed behavioral research designed to aid manatee conservation.

Buffett has helped researchers study everything about his species, including manatee eyesight, hearing, physiology and body temperature, Mote officials said.

"Understanding how manatees navigate and experience their world is allowing resource managers to better understand and protect these threatened mammals," Mote said in Buffett's bio.

Guests at the aquarium can reportedly find Buffett feasting on his lunch, dozens of heads of romaine lettuce, around noon daily.

To learn more about Buffett's introduction, click here. To learn more about the Florida manatee and Mote's conservation efforts, click here.

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