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Convicted "Bayshore rapist" gets life in prison

Convicted rapist Luis Munuzuri Harris was sentenced to life in prison Thursday. Judge Chet Tharpe ordered Harris be taken from the courtroom, directly to state prison.

in the kidnapping and rapeof a womanhe flagged down on South Tampa's Bayshore Boulevard while posing as a copwillspend the rest of his life in prison. In a move not typically seen, the judge ordered Harris to betaken from his courtroom straight to state prison after the sentencing."For the remainder of your natural life, you shall be controlled by the state department of corrections," Judge Chet Tharpe told 31-year-old Luis Harris as he told him he will no longer be allowed to control women in an attempt to get what he wants."You are a very, very dangerous person," the judge said.See Also: Convicted "Bayshore Rapist" claims innocenceSeveraldeputiesstoodclose by Harris during his morning sentencing.He has been known as a combative defendant. Amonghis courtroom antics during his trial last month:dismissing his defense team, cross examining his accuser for two hoursand making several outbursts in court.Hismotions for a new trialand acquittal were denied.Judge Chet Tharpe told the court Harris has been one of the "most manipulative and controlling defendants" he has seen during his time on the bench and said he believes Harris made every attempt to "derail legal proceedings" and prepare an appellate record for future review.Harris didget a chance to speak in court prior to his sentencing.He looked straight at the judge and said, "Your behavior withme as well as my behavior with you was completely inappropriate and that coupled together denied me a fair and impartial trial. I understand you have an interest in protecting the integrity of the court, but I have an interest in protecting my best interest as well.""I don't need a chastising. I know what you're about to say, I'm familiar with your reputation," Harris told Judge Tharpe, "I did not rape [victim], I did not kidnap her and I didn't impersonate an officer. This all came about regard the theft of the money. She cried wolf and decided to teach me a lesson and it'll be a lesson that I'll probably live with for the rest of my life."Judge Tharpe told Harris the evidence is overwhelming."One of the things that was most resounding came out of your own mouth at your very first trial when you addressed the jury. The first thing you said is I am no monster. To the contrary Mr. Harris, you are a monster," said Judge Tharpe.Harris was sentenced to life for the kidnapping charge. He was also sentenced to 15 years for the sexual battery, 5 years for the fraudulent use of a credit card and 5 years for fraudulent use of personal information.Harris admitted to using the woman's debit card without her permission when he testified in his own defense during the kidnapping and rape trial.In addition to the Bayshore rape case, he was also convicted and sentenced in aseparate casefor impersonating an officer near Pete's Place in Tampa a couple of days after the kidnapping and rape. Harris plans to appeal./>

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