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Marcy Resnik and the Importance of mentorship for female attorneys

GDL speaks with Marcy Resnik about the importance of mentorship. Segment sponsored by Kahn and Resnik.

Female mentorship when it comes to field of law is an important that’s not often talked about. In the video above you get to hear 1st hand from a graduate of Marcy Resnik’s program where the lawyer helps young aspiring attorneys to lean in.

If you are wondering what are some of the Challenges Faced by Female Lawyers?

Women have to put up with various challenges that include:

• Demeaning comments from co-workers, prisoners and even judges

• Instances of sexual harassment

• Dealing with women's biological clock and motherhood

• Facing the challenges of parenthood, where women always have an unequal burden

What is the Value of Mentorship from an experienced Female Lawyer like Marcy Resnik?

Women remain in the minority in courtrooms across the United States, but mentorship can expand and increase the percentage of working women lawyers by helping them to “Lean In” as Sheryl Sandberg famously teaches us to work hard and realize that women can become equal in the work place and in the legal field its just important to know how to navigate the work/life balance. Marcy Resnik of Broward County has been able to help females in Florida so it’s important to find one that’s in your area.

How do I attract a strong attorney mentor? 


The best way to attract a female mentor is to develop a strong narrative about your achievements, legal goals and aspirations. You can also benefit from informal mentorships from attorneys you might know  or come across.

What Organizations Offer Sponsorships & Mentoring Programs: 

• Million Women Mentors - This program is an extension of STEM for women and girls. The movement offers mentoring for women in legal careers and leadership opportunities. Marcy Resnik a Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Miami based Lawyer is also taking on new cases based on availability.

• 100 Women in Finance - This global network focuses on empowering women at each stage of their careers.

• Together - This program provides a platform for companies to run their own mentorship programs for women.

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