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Nicole Curtis of 'Rehab Addict' risks jail in custody case

Nicole Curtis, who hosts the popular HGTV show Rehab Addict, has been locked in a custody fight with Shane Maguire, 53, of St. Paul, Minn., since Maguire first filed a paternity complaint Nov. 9

Nicole Curtis of "Rehab Addict" stands July 23, 2013, in front of a Detroit home that she was rehabbing for the show. (Photo: Eric Seals, Detroit Free Press)

PONTIAC, Mich. — A bitter custody battle between celebrity house rehab guru Nicole Curtis and the father of her 15-month-old son could land her in jail if she doesn't fork over cash for expenses incurred for missed parenting times and attorney fees, an Oakland County Circuit Court judge has ruled.

Curtis, who hosts the popular HGTV show Rehab Addict, has been locked in a custody fight with Shane Maguire, 53, of St. Paul, Minn., since Maguire first filed a paternity complaint Nov. 9, according to court records.

Oakland County Circuit Judge Lisa Langton said Wednesday that the fees and expenses must be paid by Friday, according to The Detroit News. The Free Press could not reach lawyers for Curtis and Maguire for comment.

Curtis was sued for joint custody and shared parenting time with the boy, according to court records. Maguire said paternity tests show he is the biological father.

Maguire stated in the records that Curtis refused to allow him to sign an affidavit of parentage and limited his time with his son.

Maguire said in the court documents that he traveled to Michigan more than 15 times to see his child and asked to see the boy without Curtis present, but he was never able to do that. He also said she didn't allow him to keep the boy overnight.

Maguire also accused Curtis of having a full-time nanny take care of their child for "many hours and days at a time."

Curtis later said Maguire's claims were untrue and he wasn't refused "parenting time" with their son. Curtis countered that Maguire should be "awarded reasonable parenting time" but should not be given joint legal custody, according to court records.

Langton subsequently awarded Maguire joint custody and time on alternating weekends, even as Curtis attempted to modify the custody and parenting-time arrangement, according to records.

Curtis' legal woes continued when she again appeared in court before Langton after her mother, Joan Curtis of Clarkston, Mich., filed a personal protection request against her July 20, claiming she threatened her and was dangerous. According to a court representative, Langton denied her mother's request.

In the request for a personal protective order, Nicole Curtis' mother said her daughter has "ongoing jealousy and rage due to her hate for me." Joan Curtis also listed a handful of other instances that she claimed were grounds for the protective order, including an incident July 20 in the Oakland County Courthouse parking lot where she claims her daughter screamed and yelled at her from a truck window before driving "recklessly through the lot to get near me."

In a renovation project last year led by a group that included Quicken Loans and the Brush Park Development Co., Curtis renovated a 139-year-old Venetian Gothic home in Detroit's historic Brush Park neighborhood.

The renovation process of the Ransom Gillis house was aired as an eight-part TV series titled Rehab Addict: Detroit last year and sparked interest across the area, leading thousands of Curtis' fans and lovers of historic preservation to come out in droves to the historic neighborhood.

Story courtesy USA TODAY.

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