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Colbert's craziest questions for President Obama

Before Stephen Colbert drops his conservative blowhard persona at the Late Show next year, he had a little fun with President Obama.
U.S. President Barack Obama (L) talks to television personality Stephen Colbert during a taping of Comedy Central's 'The Colbert Report' in Lisner Auditorium at George Washington University on December 8, 2014 in Washington, DC. This is President Obama's third appearance on 'The Colbert Report' that will broadcast its final show on Dec. 18.

(USA TODAY) Before Stephen Colbert drops his conservative blowhard persona at the Late Show next year, he had a little fun with President Obama.

The Colbert Report host taped one of his final episodes at George Washington University in D.C., surrounded by photos of presidents with his face Photoshopped into them. It was a special, artfully titled Mr. Colbert Goes to Washington, D.C. Ya Later Legislator: Partisan is Such Sweet Sorrow.

Obama was his guest who arrived earlier than expected, so Colbert let the president take over for "The Word." Obama renamed the bit "The Decree."

"You've been taking a lot of shots at my job. I'm going to go ahead and take a shot at yours. I'm just gonna say what you were about to say," said Obama.

VIDEO: President Obama takes over "The Colbert Report"


Then, it was on to the interview. Here are the funniest/craziest things Colbert actually said in front of "Emperor" Obama:

1. Obama is totally out of control. He's like both guys in Lethal Weapon at once: a crazy renegade with nothing to lose and the black guy who's this close to retirement.

2. You steered the country to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

3. I am the host of a cable show four nights a week. Guys like us understand leadership.

4. You realize you're an emperor now; it has been declared. You are Barackus Maximus I. … Why did you burn the Constitution and become an emperor?

5. Why didn't you fix the economy before the midterm elections? … and you win and then maybe you don't have to come on The Colbert Report.

6. I'll give it to you, you've employed a lot of people, mostly as the secretary of Defense.

7. Let's talk about the Keystone XL pipeline. You're going to sign that, right? (Audience boos.) They're chanting "Dooo-it"!

8. I have a suggestion that I think might kill two birds with one Keystone. We don't take it to Louisiana. We take it to the Canadian border, build that pipe over the Mexican border, we leave the other end open with a sign that says mucho jobso. The people take the thing all the way over the border, they end up in Canada, ad the Canadians are too polite to kick them out and there's your immigration policy. It's all taken care of. (Obama: "That sounds like a ridiculous idea. And that's why you're where you are.")

9. I'd like to be able to look in your eyes, but I'm only about 5'10-and-a-half.You have the nuclear launch codes, right? I'm not gonna ask for them. Can you tell me if there's a 5 in there?

10. Does that happen to every president, where you get into the office and you think, You know what? I might be the only one I trust with this much power, so I'll hold on to it?

Colbert becomes the new host of the Late Show in January.

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